Monday, March 29, 2010

Crude Talk

It's weird I always have thoughts, proving the freethinking brain can finally travel. Brainstorms subjects that could write this blog for 20 more posts.

Then, immediately upon coming into 4th period and putting up my assigned books (Oh yeah, I'm a library assistant) I have to quickly think of ideas before the final bell rings.

So as I pan the area with my eyes and ears I have made obvious observations and noticed that I haven't taken the time to properly evaluate them.

"Fag" (n.)
to tire or weary by labor; exhaust
derogatory term for a homosexual

I've just found my first target. The weird kids.
Walk into any setting where students, all shapes and sizes gather.

Now, look for a group that consists of,

-the boy who's never been kissed who still thinks the word "boobies" is still funny and feels like he's getting away with something every time he says it. Who's hands are awkwardly curled towards himself at all times, almost a defense mechanism.

-the girl who has a Slipknot shirt with parachute pants that look like if she jumped off the roof she would float safely to the Earth, but sadly it has so many chains it would drag her down faster. Actually as of right now has a dog collar on. Who's boyfriend is just the same, whom she cuddles with in between classes to the point where it's almost gross.

-the black kid who where's the hoodies that have large dragons/skulls/lightning bolts. Dirtied up Nike's that would resemble what they would have looked like after Jesus walked through the Lonesome Valley.

Now. While you're looking at this, be jealous. Have you ever seen these kids absolutely annihilate some one's character by talking about things that are most likely not even true? Ever seen them turn their back to someone in the form of a grudge on the silliest of reasons? In any other area you could vomit due to high levels of Toxic Drama Fumes (TDF's, Start using it).

And you'd need to go home and wash it off...cause it's sticky.

Based on you always.

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