Wednesday, February 24, 2010

H8trs make me famous...

Why hello there,
Today I was sitting at home after a long tiresome day at the bustling high school that is WEMCHS. Now I was sitting in my thinking chair, some might would even call it my pondering chair, and I started to think of how the females (in teenage form) react in certain situations. The first situation that came to mind was conflict. Many female teens have started posting their feelings and whatever else is on their mind to this certain craze that is the Facebook. Now I'm quite sure if you have a teenage female on your friends list that you have seen posts similar to (depending on the types of girls on your friends list) :

"I'm not gonna sweat you"
"You just a B****"
"Why does everyone think I'm a whore?"
"I know I'm hated, I get it."

And my favorite

"H8trs make me famous"

Whenever I see a post concerning "h8trs," I wonder what in God's green Earth could this poor girl have possibly done to deserve people hating her. Well after thinking on it for a while I noticed a trend. The girls who claimed to have "h8trs" were usually the girls who thought they were really something special. These girls are the ones who don't walk down the school halls, but strut instead. These girls were usually the more promiscuous ones as well (which would be the reason for people talking). I'm not saying every girl who struts may think she is whats up, because the strut could be a simple product of her swagger. But you can clearly distinguish which girls may see themselves as having haters. Whenever one of these girls hears that a person may or may have not said something about them she would automatically mark the person as a "h8tr."

The hated on girl then will do one of two things. The girl will either spread the word to her friends that there are "h8trs" lurking, because if you were to be "h8ting" on one girl in a group, you are "h8ting" them all. Or the girl will spread the word on the Facebook.

"H8trs make me famous."

This saying isn't only used by female teens but it can be found on shirts, license plates, shoes, chains, and just about anywhere you would want to post the saying.

If you were to ask me what I thought of the phrase I would say that it was common, and whoever the girl was that used it has less than desirable qualities. H8trs do not make you famous, just using the phrase make you seem like an idiot.

Keep it real.

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