Sunday, May 30, 2010

Interrogating God

I have discovered that communication is the key.
Talking works, but body language will always speak louder than your voice can.

Plight (n)
-a condition, state, or situation that is unfavorable

In any religion that has ties to a central Christian faith knows of the omnipotent trifecta that is; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I started thinking maybe that God the Father is the image that the others become alter-egos from. That is, that Jesus was God putting himself in physical form, and that God is so powerful that His mere presence (Holy Spirit) has it's own separate being.

Seeing that God's power is unfathomable and trying to make some honest human sense of it's greatness and put it into a picture frame where I can look and understand and admire is nearly an insult, because it can never be done.

I'll give it a shot though.

Since the Elyon was seeing corruption in creation he came down in physical form as Jesus. He respected the system He created and went through the processes of it. He could have come in the form of a glorious chariot with heavenly hosts but decided to come from humble beginnings.

Why? To show that any human being can can live a God-Filled life. From birth til death.

How can 3 be in different places and be 1?
Once again, God's power is so vast the human brain cannot even picture it and when I witness it my mind does not calculate it. When the sun moves i barely recognize it happening because my intellect does not allow to capture it's full magnificence.

Here's where people are going to stop liking me.

Did God not want our brains to be freethinking?
Since God is is the creator of mankind's thinking, did he put a limit it on it possibly? Did Lucifer have "too open" of a mind? He could have been created with a mind that could in fact absorb God's power enough to the point where he would attempt to mimic it. Then after his casting out, did God decide he would dumb down the rest of his creation so it wouldn't happen again?

I Honestly don't want to know. If he did, good. He created me. If a mere open mind would make me try to turn on my creator, then I would be honored to be only a receiver of then knowledge he so graciously gives me.

Remember, you and the devil were created by the same being. So you must know that God loves his children, even the most unclean to the point that he didn't even destroy him...I mean if you think about it, God even gave him a place to live.

PLEASE click the follow button you see on the top right. You don't have to have an account, just show any support and once you follow it you can leave comments, which I would like to have. I especially wanna hear feedback on this one.

If you ask God questions without shaking your fist, it's OK,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In Memory of a Friend

There is no stronger bond than one between two friends who have grown up together. This bond withstands fights, self destructive habits, other peoples b.s., and arguments over ridiculous issues. Over time, this bond can either become stronger or it can lessen.

When I was younger, Mom would take me across town to go visit my grandmother. Next door to her lived a Military family who had just moved into Goldsboro. The family consisted of a mother and her two sons. I didn't know much about the family other than that the boys went to Wayne Christian, and the mother worked at the hospital. Well a couple years passed by and whenever I would visit my grandmother the boys would either wave or speak to me.

At the end of my freshman year at Charles B. Aycock, we decided that I would be transferring to Wayne Christian the following school year. On the first day of school people were friendly to me, espcecially the two boys who lived beside my Nana. I didn't talk much because I was shy being the new guy and all but they welcomed me in. The older brother, Dom, was a very big guy. He was the type of guy you would want to be on good terms with because if you weren't, he would scare the sh*t out of you. But the closer we became the more I found out that my friend Dom, was a gentle giant who would do anything for anyone. He was always there for me, and anyone else for that matter. Dom actually went so far as to help set me up with a pretty little girl who I became fond of at school. Thanks to his help, the girl and I dated for almost two years. While at Wayne Christian, Dom and I were mostly school buddies. But after I transferred yet again, we became closer outside of school.

Dom, Josh, and I, and sometimes Dante (the younger brother) hung out almost every weekend. We would hang out at Andys waiting for Dom to get off work then afterwards we would usually go chill out at Starbucks, or go watch a movie at Josh's house. Dom even went to a couple shows with me in Goldsboro and in Wilson even though it wasn't his type of music. When he was bored and I was out of school, he would sometimes call me and we would just watch tv at my house and talk. I could go on about the times we hung out before he moved to California but there are some memories I will keep to myself. Through Dom, I met some great new friends. It seemed as though Dom knew everyone in Goldsboro, and when I say this I'm not exaggerating.

Dom, Dante, Mrs. Katie, and her husband moved this past March to California. Dom and I still talked from time to time, but since he moved across the country, we didn't talk as much as we once did, and I regret it.

I only knew Dom for the past three or four years but in that time we became good friends. Dom was always a great friend to me and I really respected him. If you knew Dom you know about what a truely great friend he was. I don't think anyone can say a harsh word against him, because he was truley one of a kind.

We miss and love you buddy. You were taken from us far too soon. Dom was one of a kind, and he will never be forgotten or replaced.

I send out my prayers and my condolences to his friends and family. Especially to Mrs. Katie, and Dante, no one is able to understand the amount of pain you both are going through.

In memory of Dom Arthur.

Your Friend,